Mission Statement

InfoSphere Hub is a website created to assist incoming Freshmen, Sophomore, and Transfer students interested in the Information Science major at UMD. It aims to provide general guidance, answer questions, offer advice from experience, and facilitate networking opportunities to help students succeed. The InfoSphere Hub serves as a non-official website (meaning I'm not affiliated with anyone and have no plans to financially benefit from this website), offering access to important information and a way to personally contact upperclassmen of this initiative. This platform is designed to help new Information Science majors ease their transition into the major and navigate UMD's resources effectively.

General Guidelines

Communication is primarily online with weekly schedules that I try to follow, depending on whether or not there are any responses to the Google Form. Throughout the week, I'll check the responses to the Google Form and respond as quickly as I can to any questions. The best time to submit the Google Form is on Fridays between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM EST, as that is when I'll be able to respond the fastest. Responses are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. I can't predict the number of responses, so there may be days when I receive 30 responses and others when I receive none. Please be mindful of this when waiting for a response. The link to the Google Form is available at the bottom right corner of the website.